La Châtaigneraie’s Campus fund for excellence

La Châtaigneraie’s Campus Fund for Excellence

Your unrestricted gift to this fund allows our Principals maximum flexibility to seize exciting new opportunities and respond to emerging needs, as identified by staff, students and parents. 

From upgrading classrooms and learning spaces to supporting cutting-edge educational tools, every initiative will aim to meet the evolving needs of our students and staff. 

2024/2025 priority areas for investment currently include: 

  • Creating sustainable and aesthetic outdoor spaces for the secondary school: We plan to provide more spaces for our older students to socialise, relax and collaborate through investing in versatile and eco-friendly outdoor furniture.
  • Expanding and upgrading primary school learning spaces: We aim to invest in furniture for the central areas on each floor to create appealing, comfortable and functional environments that support individualised and small-group learning, especially for students receiving learning support. 

By contributing to this fund, you will help create a campus that prioritises student wellbeing and offers sustainable spaces designed for both academic and personal growth. Funds collected during 2024/2025 will be allocated at the end of the academic year according to the overall amount raised, and projects will be implemented as soon as possible. 

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